Biography: DGKollective (DGK) began in 2013 – both its conception and first meeting. Rehearsals followed shortly thereafter. For a few years, both the rehearsals and the live ‘opportunities’ were focussed on a narrow slice of the United Kingdom around the Scottish-English borderline. Players came from the region though appeal was made to a wider geographic area to make up the numbers; especially when it came to live performances. Specifically Glasgow and Edinburgh – many of the (horn) players hired in were undergraduates or graduates of the Jazz programme at RCS in Glasgow. A smattering of bookings and self promoted concerts around the region helped to maintain some focus.
However, after a handful of years of trying to keep the dream alive in the borderlands, the focus shifted to South Manchester/Cheshire; with its greater potential for players and opportunities. Regular rehearsals were established from around 2018 and have continued henceforth.
After two years of disruption due to the pandemic circa 2020/21, DGK got back on track by the start of 2022…